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Are You Being True to Yourself? Listen.

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Are you being true to yourself? 


 That was the biggest lesson that I learned during my Firewalk this time around. Listen. 

 I walked but, right before my foot hit the ground, I knew that I had made a mistake & I wasn’t actually ready. And I got burned. 🔥

 Not a big burn but, a burn impactful enough to make me pay attention & realize my lesson was LISTEN. And it’s not easy to admit that because people don’t want to hear that you got burned during what is supposed to be this life changing experience.

 But…it was life changing. It made me listen .. and now I will pay attention to my instincts more. And follow them. Because our instincts are what lead us to our truth and away from our ego. 

 Because ego … is where we get burned. 

 So, I’m passing my lesson on to all of you in case someone needs to be reminded today


 Take that day off of work if you feel like you need it. Take some time to yourself to carve out space for you if you need it. Meditation to reconnect if you need it. 

 Give yourself permission … to listen … and have the courage to follow your instincts. 🙏🏻

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