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mental health

Tusli-tini Herbal Mocktail

Mocktails, Me Time & Less Stress

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When was the last time you spent a night with friends to blow off steam and exchanged cocktails & complaining for mocktails & me time? Our Project We Society Members did exactly that this month.  And it was a fantastic time! You don’t need wine & whining to have a stress releasing night with friends. There’s more to life, for sure. One of the self-care topics that our PWS Members asked for this year was to have less actual stress and more stress management tools. In response, one unique exclusive… Read More »Mocktails, Me Time & Less Stress

It’s Ok To Say, “I’m Not In A Good Place.”

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It’s been a challenging week to process.  Mentally & emotionally.  I’ve heard the word twice this week.  And I’d be lying if I said it didn’t affect me.  Suicide.  Twice in the same day, I was faced with working through the very real topic of suicide.  First, a friend called crying to say that her daughter wanted to and acted on attempting to take her own life.  Later that same day, the news about Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss came across the feed.  My heart sank, I uttered a low “ugh” and… Read More »It’s Ok To Say, “I’m Not In A Good Place.”

Eucalyptus, More Than Just Koala Food

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You’ve heard of Eucalyptus, right?  Yes, exactly, that tree that Koalas hang out in all day eating leaves out of.  Those stinking Koalas are SO flipping cute, aren’t they?  Turns out Koalas are smart, too, because they know how beneficial Eucalyptus is.  Do you?   In this article, we’re going to share a bit about Eucalyptus in essential oil form and how it can benefit you.  Ready to explore?  Let’s go! What’s The Importance of Species? We’re sharing today about Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil.⁠ ⁠ There are over 700 species of… Read More »Eucalyptus, More Than Just Koala Food

Please Don’t Leave

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  There are many versions of what mental health looks like and everyone has thoughts and ideas on what mental health means to them.  But, one thing for certain is that there is a very imminent need for more resources to help both men and women to find what they need for their peace, wellness & health of mind, body AND soul because they are, after all, related. Thankfully, awareness is increasing & the stigma that mental health challenges mean weakness is decreasing.  But, we… Read More »Please Don’t Leave

Have you experienced true, full-bodied joy?

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JOY. What exactly is joy? How do you define it? How does it make you feel? The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) describes joy to their students as “a deep experience of inner peace and happiness that aligns deeply with our core values + internal truth.” Would you agree or are you thinking, “What in the hey does that mean?” It means that joy comes from your internal feelings of being + purpose. We equate it to be the difference between, say, spending the day laughing with your best friend or playing with a… Read More »Have you experienced true, full-bodied joy?

A Sunny Sunday Named Bliss…

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Ever feel like you & The Sun secured a date with destiny one day? The destiny of having the pleasure of doing nothing except having your feet up and basking in the glow of all the beautiful things that burning orb of fire & light provides? Today, I surprised myself as I allowed myself to bask in the glow of life during a date with The Sun! Yesterday, I had the idea of waking up uber early to watch the sun rise.  It would mean that I would have to… Read More »A Sunny Sunday Named Bliss…

Are You Being True to Yourself? Listen.

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Are you being true to yourself? ???? LISTEN. ✨ That was the biggest lesson that I learned during my Firewalk this time around. Listen. ✨ I walked but, right before my foot hit the ground, I knew that I had made a mistake & I wasn’t actually ready. And I got burned. ???? ✨ Not a big burn but, a burn impactful enough to make me pay attention & realize my lesson was LISTEN. And it’s not easy to admit that because people don’t want to hear that you got burned during what is supposed… Read More »Are You Being True to Yourself? Listen.
