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March 2021

5 reasons to say ‘Yes!’ to a game night with friends

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Do you have friends who occasionally get together for a Girl’s Night of game playing – Bunco, Yahtzee, card games etc…?  When your invite comes along do you think, “I’m too tired to go” or “I have more important things to do” or “I don’t want to go, I don’t know anyone.”? Well, we hear you on all 3 of these excuses not to go but, we’re here to give you 5 reasons why a game night with friends is so important.  But, first, we have 1 question for you:… Read More »5 reasons to say ‘Yes!’ to a game night with friends

Have you experienced true, full-bodied joy?

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JOY. What exactly is joy? How do you define it? How does it make you feel? The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) describes joy to their students as “a deep experience of inner peace and happiness that aligns deeply with our core values + internal truth.” Would you agree or are you thinking, “What in the hey does that mean?” It means that joy comes from your internal feelings of being + purpose. We equate it to be the difference between, say, spending the day laughing with your best friend or playing with a… Read More »Have you experienced true, full-bodied joy?
