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August 2019

The Season of the Thieves!

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Guess what is approaching soon? Thieves season!!! What is Thieves season? The season where everyone needs a little extra Immune Support. Kids are going back to school, the weather gets a little cooler, less fresh, outdoor air … GERMS that populate quickly.   Eeewww! Thieves is the Season of Prevention in my personal #preventionoverpills world! You’ve had all sorts of fresh fruits & veggie all Summer so, your body should be in a pretty healthy state. Keep the good times rolling with the addition of Thieves in your daily routine. This… Read More »The Season of the Thieves!

Dr. Tracy’s Healthy Autumn Chili

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Project WE Society is designed to be a place of for you to gain value on all of the various levels of your wellness.  This includes your physical wellness supported by the foods that we eat. Everyone loves food, right?  But, sometimes, we aren’t eating the right foods to support out bodies properly.  More and more people are turning to plant based diets, for a variety of reasons (we won’t go into all of the details of the meat industry just yet!) This September, our friend, Dr. Amanda Tracy, ND… Read More »Dr. Tracy’s Healthy Autumn Chili

A Sunny Sunday Named Bliss…

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Ever feel like you & The Sun secured a date with destiny one day? The destiny of having the pleasure of doing nothing except having your feet up and basking in the glow of all the beautiful things that burning orb of fire & light provides? Today, I surprised myself as I allowed myself to bask in the glow of life during a date with The Sun! Yesterday, I had the idea of waking up uber early to watch the sun rise.  It would mean that I would have to… Read More »A Sunny Sunday Named Bliss…
