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The Season of the Thieves!

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Guess what is approaching soon? Thieves season!!!

What is Thieves season? The season where everyone needs a little extra Immune Support. Kids are going back to school, the weather gets a little cooler, less fresh, outdoor air … GERMS that populate quickly.   Eeewww!

Thieves is the Season of Prevention in my personal #preventionoverpills world! 

You’ve had all sorts of fresh fruits & veggie all Summer so, your body should be in a pretty healthy state. Keep the good times rolling with the addition of Thieves in your daily routine. 

This essential oil blend is an immune support FAVORITE in millions of households, including mine and bonus … IT SMELLS AMAZING!!! 

Aside from the warm, cozy aroma, what makes Thieves so popular and effective? 
It is created from a powerful, ancient blend of 5 single essential oils scientifically proven to create an unhealthy atmosphere for the growth of airborne microorganisms.  When applied to the body or dispersed by cold diffusion throughout the air, it creates a clean environment in which wellness can thrive and seasonal sickness has no home. 
Young Living Essential Oils’ proprietary blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon bard, Eucalyptus Radiata & Rosemary each provide it’s own unique influence for protection, purification, stimulation & oxygenation of systems of the body that work to support our overall good health & wellness.  Thieves is a favorite of those supporting a healthy immune system for the long term. 
In fact, the Thieves blend is so powerful & beneficial, Young Living has created an entire product line of household products such as a fantastic chemical free home cleaner, dental care, laundry, dish & hand soaps and more.  It’s truly a great line up!
For more information on getting Thieves essential oil or products into your home or learning how to create a more healthy, chemical free lifestyle for yourself, your family and your pets, connect with us through our Natural Wellness page:
Wishing you much wellness, Leanne !
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