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Be Your Own Healer

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“A person who has the patience to allow the mind to go through its antics while remaining firmly planted, will experience something. That “something” is different for each individual, but it will be, in some way or another, a reawakening of the self. With this new awareness comes inner change, then outer change.” ~Shakti Parwha Kaur All of us need a release of accumulated stress Our modern world is filled with a lot of information, both helpful and not, and it comes at us hard and fast, starting the instant… Read More »Be Your Own Healer

Glowing Goddess Breakfast Bowl

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Love a Delicious Breakfast? Who loves a delicious, healthy, filling breakfast?  We do, too!  And that’s why we want to share this scrumptious smoothie bowl recipe with you!  As much as we’d love to take credit for this masterpiece recipe, we have to give credit where credit is due.  So, props to the New York Times Best Selling cookbook author Angela Liddon from Oh, She Glows.  Angela creates amazing, simple to make & delicious plant-based recipes to support whole body health and GLOW which we love!   All The Goodness in One… Read More »Glowing Goddess Breakfast Bowl

Peeking Into All Things Pumpkin

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It’s the time of year when pumpkins are here!  Hello Fall … or Pumpkin Season if you call it that. People either love the pumpkin treats of the season or, well, not so much.  Here in New England, pumpkin-everything is a bit of a trend.  There’s Pumpkin Spice Latte, Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Beer, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Picking … you name it … you can get it in pumpkin.  But, many of the trendy, yummy sounding pumpkin products aren’t all that healthy.  They’re filled with sugar, factory processed ingredients, gluten, etc…… Read More »Peeking Into All Things Pumpkin

How’s Your Oral Health? Tips for Holistic Oral Health Care.

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Because we care about your good health & well-being, we want to chat with you about an important part of your health that is sometimes overlooked.  Oral care. Think that skipping those trips to the dentist isn’t that big of a deal?  Think again.    Do you know that 47.2 % of Americans 30 years of age or older have gum disease? Of those, 42% risk decay resulting in tooth and/or bone loss. That rate jumps even higher to 70% over 65 years of age.  Right now, you may be… Read More »How’s Your Oral Health? Tips for Holistic Oral Health Care.

5 reasons to say ‘Yes!’ to a game night with friends

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Do you have friends who occasionally get together for a Girl’s Night of game playing – Bunco, Yahtzee, card games etc…?  When your invite comes along do you think, “I’m too tired to go” or “I have more important things to do” or “I don’t want to go, I don’t know anyone.”? Well, we hear you on all 3 of these excuses not to go but, we’re here to give you 5 reasons why a game night with friends is so important.  But, first, we have 1 question for you:… Read More »5 reasons to say ‘Yes!’ to a game night with friends

Walking in Beauty for 2021

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A bright, shiny new year is upon us.  Another 365 days, another 365 chances, they say.  Chances for what, exactly?  Well, friend, that is up to you.  What is it that you are looking for in your life?  Financial security, increased spirituality, closer relationships, more friends, less stress, better health, inner peace?  Maybe you seek beauty?  Beauty that may seem to have been lost in a world challenged with proving one’s worth, harmful social media messages, uncertainty, fear, sickness, death, anxiety.  We understand.  And we’re here to tell you that… Read More »Walking in Beauty for 2021

It Never Even Occurred to Me…

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As I watched the video of the poor man lying there being flattened into the ground with a knee in his throat, pleading for air & his mother, it shocked & disturbed me.  Then, when I saw the stream of, what appeared to be urine, flowing from under the cruiser & his body limp as an old rag doll being lifted onto the ambulance stretcher…I instinctively took in a deep breathe in, said, “Oh my God” & I cried.  I couldn’t help but, think, “What in the hell was that? … Read More »It Never Even Occurred to Me…

Spinach, Pineapple and Strawberry Salad

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For many of us, healthy eating during the recent stress of the world transitioning to full-time working, educating & surviving from home these day, has been nothing less than a challenge…to say the least.  Do you agree? So, Project WE Society stepped up to support our community and hosted a virtual 7 Day Food Reset called Eat the Rainbow! Members who joined us were there to try out eat healthy by means of a Vegan or Vegetarian lifestyle or simply to just eat more fruits, veggies & healthy grains. The… Read More »Spinach, Pineapple and Strawberry Salad

5 Valentine’s Day Tips for Self Care!

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Ahhh Valentine’s Day …. depending on where you are in life, you could be a fan of this day or not.   No matter where you are in life,  know that Valentine’s Day is a day dating back to the Roman Empire.  There is a lot of confusion around how this day started but, the truth is, the day doesn’t seem to have a been a very empowering experience for women. Eventually, Hallmark took over the day to commercialize it for sales!  Seeing how popular it has become, they accomplished a great… Read More »5 Valentine’s Day Tips for Self Care!

Gratitude For Being a Failure (sensitive topic)

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Something happened the other day that’s really been on my mind lately. The son of someone that I went to high school with committed suicide.  A mutual friend told me that he hung himself in his garage.  His name was Alan.  Alan was 14.  Even as I type the words, chills run up and down my body.  Horrible.  I feel just absolutely, completely, utterly HORRIBLE. His father was who I went to school with.  I wasn’t at that school long and I didn’t really know my classmate very well, I… Read More »Gratitude For Being a Failure (sensitive topic)

DiGize for Healthy Digestion

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We love sharing about essential oils & natural solutions that have helped solve problems for us.   Since we know that healthy digestion is a challenge for many & this is a month for eating extra treats and outside of our normal eating habits, this month we’re sharing DiGize & DiGize Vitality from Young Living Essential Oils with you! DiGize is a proprietary  blend containing single oils of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise & Patcouli. It’s use is very specific – Supporting a healthy Digestive function! Many people use… Read More »DiGize for Healthy Digestion

Avoid Overindulgence This Holiday Season!

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We’ve all been there: walking out of a holiday get-together holding our bellies thinking “whyyyyy did I eat so much?!”. Overindulgence once in a while isn’t really a problem, but during the busy holiday season, those extra treats can really add up. So how can you enjoy your holiday parties without overdoing it? Marissa Szabo of Well & Simple Health Coaching & Workplace Wellness in Beverly, MA shares 6 ingenious, easy to follow steps with us on how!   Step 1: Eat normally before and after Very often, I hear people… Read More »Avoid Overindulgence This Holiday Season!

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 1 Day

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If you read the title of this post and thought, ”Wow, this is a must read because she’s discovered the miracle solution to weight loss!” you may be disappointed.  The 10 pounds to which I refer are not of the physical kind but, more so on an emotional level. Yes, this is an emotional baggage post.  Well, actually, it’s more about letting go of emotional baggage. So, this common “baggage” thing that we human beings have.  From where I stand, smack dab in the middle of life, everyone has baggage. … Read More »How To Lose 10 Pounds In 1 Day

When time for your workout hour eludes you!

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Hhmmm….we’ve often struggled with the question, “Where am I going to find the time to workout with this ridiculous schedule of mine?”  Some days, Ladies, time just eludes us no matter how hard we try, right?  The good news is, our friend, Marissa Szabo of Well & Simple Health Coaching & Workplace Wellness in Beverly, MA is here to help us with some tips on: What to do when you don’t have time to work out.  Even the most dedicated gym junkies can have days where they are just flat… Read More »When time for your workout hour eludes you!

Pumpkin Sage Soup for Hormones?

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Project WE Society is passionate about bringing you wellness tips to support your healthiest self through a variety of topics … including food. A healthy diet is an important part of our self care. Who likes pumpkin?  Did you know that it can help to promote healthy hormone balance? It’s true!  Read on to find out more and enjoy a season recipe for Pumpkin Sage Soup from Project WE Society supporter Dr. Amanda Tracy, ND (Naturopathic Doctor) of Advanced Health & Wellness in Andover, MA. Enjoy the recipe and be sure… Read More »Pumpkin Sage Soup for Hormones?

Dr. Tracy’s Healthy Autumn Chili

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Project WE Society is designed to be a place of for you to gain value on all of the various levels of your wellness.  This includes your physical wellness supported by the foods that we eat. Everyone loves food, right?  But, sometimes, we aren’t eating the right foods to support out bodies properly.  More and more people are turning to plant based diets, for a variety of reasons (we won’t go into all of the details of the meat industry just yet!) This September, our friend, Dr. Amanda Tracy, ND… Read More »Dr. Tracy’s Healthy Autumn Chili

Welcome to Project WE Society!

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Welcome…We are so glad that you found Project WE Society!  This is a very special space for women.  It’s here that you can start getting familiar with who we are and what we offer women who are seeking their best selves as a strong, independent woman and an empowered women’s society! What makes you feel like a strong, empowered woman?
