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Tusli-tini Herbal Mocktail

Mocktails, Me Time & Less Stress

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When was the last time you spent a night with friends to blow off steam and exchanged cocktails & complaining for mocktails & me time? Our Project We Society Members did exactly that this month.  And it was a fantastic time! You don’t need wine & whining to have a stress releasing night with friends. There’s more to life, for sure. One of the self-care topics that our PWS Members asked for this year was to have less actual stress and more stress management tools. In response, one unique exclusive… Read More »Mocktails, Me Time & Less Stress

Strawberry & Lemon Pancakes

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If you love healthier recipes, are a pancake fan, strawberries are your jam, you think “Less time in the kitchen, Man!”, or “E” all of the above, this post is for you!  Pancakes are a Fam-Favorite in many homes, but so many of the recipes that are out there are full of unhealthy, processed ingredients or leave you feeling like you just ate a 5-gallon bucket of lead.  Do you agree?  Well, pancake love doesn’t have to be that way.  In fact, pancakes can be gut-friendly, include healthier ingredients, and… Read More »Strawberry & Lemon Pancakes

Glowing Goddess Breakfast Bowl

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Love a Delicious Breakfast? Who loves a delicious, healthy, filling breakfast?  We do, too!  And that’s why we want to share this scrumptious smoothie bowl recipe with you!  As much as we’d love to take credit for this masterpiece recipe, we have to give credit where credit is due.  So, props to the New York Times Best Selling cookbook author Angela Liddon from Oh, She Glows.  Angela creates amazing, simple to make & delicious plant-based recipes to support whole body health and GLOW which we love!   All The Goodness in One… Read More »Glowing Goddess Breakfast Bowl

Peeking Into All Things Pumpkin

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It’s the time of year when pumpkins are here!  Hello Fall … or Pumpkin Season if you call it that. People either love the pumpkin treats of the season or, well, not so much.  Here in New England, pumpkin-everything is a bit of a trend.  There’s Pumpkin Spice Latte, Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Beer, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Picking … you name it … you can get it in pumpkin.  But, many of the trendy, yummy sounding pumpkin products aren’t all that healthy.  They’re filled with sugar, factory processed ingredients, gluten, etc…… Read More »Peeking Into All Things Pumpkin

Holiday Healthy Gluten Free Apple Crisp

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‘Tis the season … of baking!  Holiday parties are everywhere – at home, at work, during the day, weeknights and weekends.  Baked sweets & treats are ALL. OVER. THE. PLACE.  And hard to avoid, right? Well, we’re here to help.  One way to avoid eating all of the not so healthy dessert is to bring a healthier style dessert of your own.  How does a Gluten Free Apple Crisp sound?  Mmmmm….yummy, right! Our friend, Dr. Amanda Tracy, ND of Advanced Health & Wellness in Andover, MA shares this delish GF… Read More »Holiday Healthy Gluten Free Apple Crisp

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

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Now that Halloween is over, what to do with all of the pumpkins?  Well, you can let the squirrels eat them up, let your ‘kins reseed and have plants around your yard next year or you can roast the seeds.  Yum…I’ll roast the seeds please! According to our good friend Dr. Amanda Tracy, ND, of Advanced Health & Wellness in Andover, MA, pumpkin seeds, also known as Pepitas, are a surprisingly good source of protein, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.  All important elements to a healthy lifestyle & WE like… Read More »Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
